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Stall Guide

Stall Guide for Traders

Please make sure you have read and understood the following Stall Guide before completing your application form. This Stall Guide is for everyone’s benefit and welfare and to ensure that the event is enjoyable, safe and successful.


  1. All applications for Stalls must be submitted using the on-line booking form. Stall applications are not completed until written confirmation has been received from the Organisers. This will only be possible if deposit payment has been made, a copy of your Public Liability Insurance provided and a risk assessment completed.

Hours of Market

2.1 The Market will be open to the public from 11am Mon – Fri. Open 10am Sat & Sun. The market closes at 9pm on Mon, Tue, Wed & Thursday and at 10pm Fri &Sat.

2.2 The Organisers reserve the right to alter the hours of operation at the event without advance notice to Stallholders, visitors and other persons.

2.3 Stallholders must be set up by 10.30am each day.

2.4 Stallholders may begin packing up at 9pm on (S,M,T,W) and 10pm on (T,F,S). PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO LEAVE BEFORE as this will contravene the Christmas Market Event Management Plan and Risk Assessment which have been submitted to the local authority licensing department. ANY stalls ignoring the timings will be subject to a fine or can be asked to permanently leave site without a refund!

Postponement or Abandonment of Market

Should the event be abandoned due to severe weather, acts of God, third party or other circumstances outside the control of the Event Organisers, unfortunately bookings are non- refundable as costs for marketing, staffing and 3rd party supplies are paid in advance. 

Layout of Market
4.1 All stalls shall be those provided by the Organisers, unless you have booked a bespoke size and have an approved unit by the Organisers.

4.2 Stallholders must confine their goods to the stall spaces allocated to them. No alterations or additional displays that extend beyond the allocated space are permitted without prior consent.

4.3 A specific unloading area and stewards will be available to direct you on the day to your stall.

4.4 Stallholders must display their trading name and contact details clearly on their stall.

4.5 No lighting system shall be used for stalls, other than that supplied by the Organisers and standard approved Christmas Lighting.

Sale of Food / Drinks
 5.1 Only Traders that have a booked and confirmed units for the sale of food or drink to be consumed at the event can provide this service. All other foods/drinks must be consumed offsite. 

5.2 Stallholders who sell food are responsible for ensuring that they comply with the Food Safety Act 1990 and must provide the Organisers with proof of their Food Hygiene Rating. All stallholders selling food must have a Food Hygiene Rating of 4 or above, at the time of booking. (proof will be required)

5.3 Any stall holders using LPG Gas will need to provide certification of recent inspection and a full risk assessment. LPG gas units must be secured by the stall holder in a suitable cage / box to ensure no access from the public. Costs apply for our Gas Safety Engineer checks. 

5.4 There can be NO SMOKING (includes VAPING) and NO DOGS allowed on or near stalls selling food.

5.5 All food stallholders must supply fire extinguishers with valid dates

5.6 All food stallholders must provide a bin immediately outside their unit for the disposal of generated waste disposal. This will be regularly cleaned by the team and removed for collection.

5.7 No glass is to be used – preference will be given to applications that use sustainable suppliers / food sources. 

5.8 Allergens are to be clearly displayed on all food stalls. 

5.9 All food & beverage operators will require PLI cover to the value of £5million. 

Exclusive Rights
6.1 The granting of a Stall does not guarantee the Stallholder sole right of selling or promoting their particular commodity, but every effort will be made to offer variety and range. 

6.2 Applications will be considered on a “first come, first served” basis. If too many applications are received for stalls selling the same type of goods, the Organisers will allocate stalls to those received first.

Liability – Neither the Organisers nor their representatives shall be liable or responsible for:

7.1 Any injury to the Stallholder or their employees, agents, guests or visitors or their property while within the confines of the space allocated to them.

 7.2 Any damage, theft or loss however caused in respect of any exhibits, produce or other property in transit to or from the market or throughout the duration of the market period.

7.3 Anything that may happen to visitors, members, stallholders or their employees or to any stall or property brought to or used at Dundee Winterfest

7.4 Any losses incurred due to the market being cancelled in the event of severe weather, acts of God, third party or other circumstances outside the control of the Market Organisers.

Stall Management
8.1 The Stallholder shall provide an adequate number of staff for the operation of the stall, ensure that any staff are over the age of 16, adequately trained, clean, civil, sober and well presented at all times. The Organisers may require the Stallholder to remove any member of staff that in the opinion of the Organiser does not meet these standards. The use of offensive or abusive or threatening language by the Stallholder or his staff will breach this clause.

8.2 Stallholders shall display their products and conduct business only within their own designated space.

8.3 Keeping your part of the site clean helps the Organisers in the final clearing up process and provides the best experience, minimises pests and ensures safety of passing customers. Stallholders that do not ensure their area is kept clean and walkways clear will be asked to do so. Continuous offence may result in a fine or request to vacate the event. 

8.4 Amplified Sound Systems must not be operated from any stall within the Market without the written consent of the Organisers. Festive Music and performances will be provided across the area to provide atmosphere. 

8.5 Stallholders shall be solely responsible for providing security for their own Stall. The event will have security staff on hand to assist – but it is the stallholders    

responsibility to ensure the unit and all stock / product is locked up and safe each evening.

8.6 At the end of the event, Traders are responsible for the condition of their Chalet. NO nails, stickers or paint. Do NOT move the Chalet – they MUST remain in the location they were placed. Removal of rubbish, drawing pins, staples, signs and decorations. Return the keys!

Damage to the Ground Surface
9.1 Any Stallholder causing damage to any part of the event site or any other area will be liable for the cost of reinstatement.

Distribution of Literature, Display Notices & Banners
 10.1 Stallholders are not permitted to roam around the event site handing out literature or samples, conducting surveys or collecting donations. The distribution of all literature shall be confined to the Stall area only. Displays, banners, leafleting, signage or any other style of displays are not permitted in the surrounding areas or on the event site. 

Health & Safety
11.1 All traders must comply with local fire, health and safety regulations and with the directions of the Market’s health and safety officer.

11.2 All Stallholders are required to complete and submit a Risk Assessment to the Organisers (see our on-line template for guidance).

11.3 Under no circumstances are petrol generators to be used. Diesel generators may be used by “bespoke” traders in permitted areas only. If you should need to use a generator then it is your responsibility to provide appropriate fire safety equipment.

11.4 Any government guidelines in relation to COVID -19 restriction that apply at the time of the event will need to be included in your Health & Safety documentation provided.

Unloading/Loading and Parking
12.1 Each Stallholder is requested to bring only one vehicle into the designated area while unloading and loading (unless specifically agreed with the Organisers in advance. No vehicles can remain on the Street once unloading is complete.

12.2 Vehicle movement times and instructions, as specified by the Organisers, must be strictly adhered to.

12.3 Stallholders must park in the designated areas or be parked on their own Trading Space if the vehicle is an integral part of their Stall. Any vehicle irregularly parked in the event site or obstructing any exit must be moved immediately

13.1 All Stallholders must hold a minimum of £5 million Public Liability Insurance and provide proof to the Organisers that this will be in force on the date of the Market. Bookings can only be accepted/ confirmed once a copy of this documentation has been received.

13.2 Stallholders must ensure that they are adequately insured covering public liability for Third Parties plus cancellation by the Organisers. The Organisers will not, under any circumstances, entertain any claim on behalf of any Stallholder.

15.1 This application is personal to the Stallholder and shall not be assigned, transferred or apportioned. No more than one business entity may operate from a single Stall without the written permission from the Organisers.

Use of materials and photographs for promotion and publication
16.1 By booking a stall, the stallholder is agreeing to the use of photographs taken by the Organisers of the Stallholder/ their stall/ their goods being used for promotion or other publication in relation to the Market. The Stallholder also agrees to the use of photographs, logos and other material provided by the Stallholder being used by the Organisers for promotional purposes of the event.

16.2 The Dundee Winterfest logo is available on request to Stallholders for their own promotional usage.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018
 17.1 When making a booking, you will be asked to confirm that you agree to M & N Events handling of your submitted data, as follows: You agree to give M & N Events permission to retain your personal information for as long as it may seem relevant to the event Organisers or you tell us that you no longer want us to retain it. Such personal information (Name and contact details) will only be used for M & N Events to contact you about this event. We may however share any website, facebook, twitter or other social media link that you provide us with in order to promote your business and the event. If you do not agree with such retention or use of your data, please contact us directly so that we can make alternative arrangements.

18.1 Any cancellation made by traders less than 8 weeks before the event date will be subject to an administration charge of 50% of fees paid. Cancellation made by traders after 8 weeks is 100% of fees paid.

19.1 In the event of any disputes the Organiser’s decision is final.